Contemplative Photography and the Path of Perception

Monday 29 April 2024 (19:00 -21:00)
EN LIGNE / online
Teacher : John McQuade
Contact person : Hélène Nadeau
PRIX RÉGULIER / Regular Price : $30
Nalanda Miksang contemplative photography is, in part, based on Chogyam Trungpa’s Dharma Art teachings: The Three Levels of Perception.

These three levels parallel the three stages or vehicles of Buddhism: the Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana. Miksang is a Tibetan word that translates as “Good Eye”.  Each perception level opens a distinctive way of seeing as a path of clear seeing and direct perception. The photographic images are equivalents of each way of seeing. 

The presentation will include an image show.

John McQuade has been a Dharma student of Sakyong Chogyam Trungpa for decades. He currently studies with Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche.

He is the founder of Nalanda Miksang contemplative photography and co-author of Looking and Seeing and Heart of Photography.  He is a meditation instructor, Shambhala Training teacher and a Maitri Five Wisdoms teacher.

Dharma and Dharma Art: 30$

Contemplative Photography and the Path of Perception: 30

Both Talks: 50$

In english with french translation.